I welcome this opportunity to convey my thoughts on the standard of service that NRW deliver. I am focussing my thoughts on the efforts that are afforded to the stewardship of our rivers. I have only been fishing for six years but it has got me totally hooked(excuse the pun). As my involvement in the sport has developed so has my discomfort with regards to the support from the very people who should be taking care of the rivers i fish.


It's been over 18 months since asked to see a EA licence and yet i see a police car everyday. 1.3million anglers purchase a licence so where does all that money go? The bailiff for the river Taf Carmarthenshire retired and has not been replaced thus overstretching the others. How can any form of security on our rivers be enforced without the manpower? 


I understand that every man has a right to practice his craft but i can not see how letting the nets men can be of any benefit to a sustainable fishery  unless of course a fishery of this kind is of no importance to NRW. Anglers travel from far and wide to fish for our sea trout and bring large economic benefits to the local community which far out weighs the revenue generated by the nets men if their catch returns are to be believed. At some point in the near future i fear that travelling anglers will seek their quarry elsewhere bringing further decline to our rural community. Our beaches are sought after by tourists for their "blue flag" status but i question how long would Tenby prosper if we closed the beaches?


I fear that our monies are not being used for what they are intended after all I am paying for a service and question whether the goods are fit for sale. I would very much like to think that my thoughts will be listened to along with the few that have responded before me. I understand that allowing  concerned parties to have a say is NRW way of keeping up appearances but i feel that our words will be in vein. If you want to understand the feeling of your customers might i recommend that you attach a reply with each licence purchased so that when catch returns are filled out (which we are legally obliged to do!) all anglers will be able to voice their opinions. 


To finish I would like to say that success stories such as Red kites and Otters are wonderful so why now they have once again become established in their native environment NRW can go for another success in restoring the rivers to historical health. As has been said before by scores of men far more educated than myself " we are mere stewards of our environment for a generation and should leave as we found it for future mankind".


These views and opinions are mine and although i am a member of several angling clubs I voice these concerns independently.

I have no objection to my views being on public display.


Yours Faithfully


Richard Manning.